Kayla Stevens - Marketing Director

I grew up moving around southern Ontario, never staying in one place for long. With that much change you might think my food palette would be pretty diverse. That’s where you’d be wrong. It wasn’t until I started working for Black Rabbit Creative Group that I began to grow in that aspect of my life; where I learned what good food really was. Moving around did teach me how to become more approachable and understanding of other people’s wants and desires. I think this helped push me to the position I’m in today. My role at Black Rabbit surrounds itself around our guests' experiences and marketing to their every need. I work with the team to promote our products and work closely with our clientele to determine what they might need for any special occasion or corporate events, as well as our marketing strategies. You’ll often find me in the office putting together all of the fun things you see on our social media, otherwise you can find me in my backyard with the trees and the sound of waterfalls or prepping my daughters nursery. No matter where I am I’m always looking to learn something new in order to become the best version of myself I can possibly be.